I was reading my Bible today and I came across the parable of the Sower and the Seeds. I'm actually not sure what this parable is officially called, but "the Sower and the Seeds" sounds fine to me. In this story, Jesus tells of a man who went out planting seeds. Some of his seeds fell on the side of the road, some on stony ground, some in thorns, etc. Lately, I feel like the seeds that fell on the stony ground. While the plants from these seeds sprouted quicky, the earth did not have adequate soil, so the roots of the plants were unable to grow. The plants did fine until the sun came out and they were scorched due to their lack of roots. The plants withered away. Jesus likened the plants from the seeds planted on rocky ground to us Christians who get ready to throw in the towel when things get rough. The Amplified Bible says, "They have no real root in themselves, and so they endure for a little while; then when persecution arises...they immediately are offended and stumble and fall away".
Wow. It was a total God Thing that I read that passage today. I have been so discouraged lately about Shaun and his school situation. This parable was a wake up call. I hope and pray that I never again "lack sufficient roots". My roots should be strong enough to get me through anything! God knows what he's doing, and I know he has wonderful plans for Shaun. My problem is that I'm such a control freak I want to see the end results NOW! I'm praying hard for patience in this area.
Speaking of Shaun, here's a picture of him I found today.

And one of Jordan, with our Dog Batman.
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