Saturday, November 24, 2007


We've had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We started off on Thursday with finger foods at my sister-in-law Mandy's house. Everything was delicious. We found out Jordan has taken a liking to my sister-in-law's fiancee, Rob. He was pretty content to sit in Rob's lap and watch football most of the time while we were there. For anyone who knows Jordan, getting him to be still is no small task! Chris was disappointed/relieved that his parents didn't show up. On one hand, he was hoping to make ammends with his father since they haven't spoken in almost a year now. On the other hand, there is always lots of drama then they're around. We love them. We're praying for them. There are just a lot of issues with them.

Anyway, we left Mandy's house and drove back home to Murrayville. I had just enough time to get my food into serving dishes and herd everyone into the car to go to my aunt's house. We had a good time, there. It was crowded, crazy, and fun. I kept thinking that this could be my grandmother's last Thanksgiving with us, so I was sad, too. Other than that, we had a blast. We ate and ate, traditional food this time. We laughed. We looked at all the sale papers for deals on Friday's shopping. We took lots of pictures. We ate some more. Finally, we went home. Jordan had not had a nap all day and was getting extremely cranky. We got home and Shaun went right to bed. Jordan, however, preceeded to stay up until midnight and then wake up all night. No one got much sleep.

Friday morning my mom watched the boys while my sister and I went shopping. I purchased lots of Elmo stuff for Jordan and Pirates of the Caribbean stuff for Shaun. Friday shopping was not as crazy in years past. We didn't get started until around 11:00, so most of the "early birds" had already gone home. It was nice to get away without my children.

Tonight was the final installment of the Thanksgiving Holiday. We had dinner at my Granny's. We ate and ate again. I feel so terribly bloated and disgusting right now. I don't even want to know how much weight I've gained. I'm going back to weigh in at Weight Watchers on Saturday. I hope that gives me enough time to at least lose what I've gained this weekend.

After dinner tonight I went shopping again with my mom and sister. I've lost weight and have no clothes that fit me anymore, so my mom bought me some new jeans. I got a smaller size, and they were kind of snug. I put them on when I got home to stretch them out some. When I went to button them, the button popped off! No, it didn't pop off because my jeans were too tight. I don't know what happened. I know that I'm taking them back tomorrow, though. Oh well. We have another busy day tomorrow with church and cleaning. I'll be glad to get back to church. We layed out Wednesday and I missed it!

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