Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fruits From the Fast

Believe it or not, we're already having some answered prayers, before the fast is even over!

One of Shaun's resource teachers found me at school today to tell me that she's seen a "noticeable improvement" in his math and reading skills. In fact, she said she was "just tickled". School has been a real struggle this year, and to hear those words coming from a lady who just doesn't sugar-coat anything- well, it was HUGE! I also found a way to get Shaun to take his new seizure medication. The receptionist at his psychiatrist's office told me to try putting it in applesauce. I had my doubts, but tried it tonight and it worked. Praise be to God.

Chris and I have also been fasting for our finances to improve. We had a big insurance bill to pay, and the money was just not there. We've been praying so hard for God to help us find a way to take care of this- and He did. We got our bill paid last night- before the cancellation deadline today. That's 3 prayer requests already ansered. I can't wait to see what else He's got in store for us. Thank you, God!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fasting and miracles

Shaun got a double-dose of heavy prayer tonight. We all went to church early with Chris, and before band practice the members of the Kidpak band all laid hands on Shaun while praying for his healing. They also praid for Chris and I, so that we would have knowledge on how to care for him and for our marriage. They prayed for Shaun's doctors. Pretty powerful stuff.

After the service Chris, the boys and I walked through the prayer line in the Miracle Service. We were all prayed for and annointed with oil. Also pretty powerful stuff. God's spirit was so full in that room that the air was thick. No joke. I've never felt His presence in quite that way before. I have every belief that Shaun can be healed.

The fast ends on Sunday. I think I'm feeling led to fast longer than the 21 days. I don't feel like I'm done, and honestly, I don't feel like I've taken this fast seriously enough. I've followed the guidelines well enough, but I don't feel like I've prayed and studied the Word the way I should have. So tomorrow I'm beginning a 3 day total fast. I'm going to try my best to make it to Sunday with no food- only juice and water. During those 3 days I'm going to pray and read non-stop. I feel in my heart that God is asking this of me. It will probably be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I actually considered calling the fast off tonight, since we had all been prayed for. What wishful thinking! :)

During the next 3 days I will be praying for the healing of Shaun's mind. I'll pray for my marriage and out finances. I'll pray for my Grandma's healing. But most of all I'll pray that God will show me contentment in my life, no matter what the circumstance. That, I believe, is the key to true happiness.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

And now they're found

FINALLY found the keys to my car this my room...against the wall...buried under a pile of papers and clothes. Maybe this is God's way of telling me to clean up my room.

Lost keys

I've been looking for my keys all day. Chris says he put them on top of the piano when he got home from work yesterday, but they're not there now. I have my doubts that he really put them there. Maybe Jordan found them and hid them somewhere else. My dad had to take Shaun to school this morning. He also had to go to the bank for me and pick Shaun up after school. Chris better get home and find those keys!

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Devil's agitated

I heard at church yesterday that the Devil gets agitated when you fast and pray and, for lack of a better word, attacks you. I definitely feel like he's agitated with me. Chris and I have faced some major trials since last week, and so far this week isn't looking much better.

I had this fantasy that I would begin my fast and the struggles in my life would immediately improve. What a joke! If anything, things have gotten worse- Shaun's behavior is awful, he got another bad report card, Jordan's been sick, I'm depressed, and our finances our suffering. One thing's for sure: Satan really knows how to push our buttons.

But I realized something today. My blessings will come AFTER the fast, not during. I really feel in my heart that God is getting ready to work some major miracles in my life- it makes sense that Satan would be angry about that. He (Satan) wants to see me miserable. And he knows that God's going to bless me for fasting. So of course the Devil's going to try anything and everything to discourage me from fasting. I'm determined to stay strong. I may even fast for 20 more days, if that's the way God leads. Who knows? I'm learning to stay open to new possibilities.

We sang a new song at church yesterday that was so fitting to my situation right now. I've heard it once before, but was extra blessed by it yesterday. The chorus is:

"So I will praise you in the good times and bad; I'll praise you whether happy or sad. I'll praise you in all that I go through because praise is what I do. And I owe it all to you."

Wow. Talk about a reality check. I was in such a horrible mood yesterday. That song put me in my place. My prayer is that I'll always be able to give Him praise, regardless of my circumstances.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Homework and other disasters

Today was more of the same. It seems like it should be at least Wednesday by now. But no. Its only Monday. I feel like I've been breaking up fights all day. Shaun and Jordan have been arguing non-stop. Actually, today wasn't so bad until about 5:00. We got home from tutoring and Shaun did not want to do his homework. He fussed, whined, got angry and out of control. The funny thing is, he only had spelling homework, which is what he's best at. He could have finished in about 15 minutes. It ended up taking nearly 2 hours.

Dr. Connell thinks that maybe his seizure med isn't doing what it should. So we increased the dosage a little, along with an increase in Abilify. I am actually having to work his way up to the new seizure med prescription. The last tim we increased too fast, and it was a disaster. The pharmacy had to order the Abilify so he's not taking that yet either. I think in a couple of weeks his med for ADHD will also have to go up. Shaun is definitely not staying focused on anything. I feel so badly for him. I wonder what he thinks about himself. I wonder what its like to feel so completely out of control of your own body. So I'm trying to get in touch with Shaun's psychologist again. He works alone, so in order to make an appointment I have to call his answering service, leave a message, and wait for him to call. This is annoying, especially when he always calls me back when I'm not home. Gotta love the phone tag.

On a positive note, Shaun brought home a 100 on his spelling test Friday and he also read a LOT better tonight than he has been. I'm so glad God gives us small miracles when we need some encouragement!

I made a really good recipe for dinner tonight with 'fast friendly' foods. Whole grain pasta covered in organic tomoatos with sauteed onion, red and green peppers, brocolli, garlic and oregano. Jordan ate it like a pig.

I had a headache today. When Jordan was napping I went to rest for a while and would up sleeping for nearly 3 hours. I woke up just in time to pick Shaun up from school. The headache went away though. Chris is working late tonight. I thought I'd be up all night due to my long nap, but I'm already exhausted again. Time for bed.

Friday, January 11, 2008

A better frame of mind

I'm feeling much better today. I'm trusting in God to meet all of our needs- financial, medical, emotional- all of them!

My ankle is also a little better today. Its almost time for me to leave for Shaun's appointment. I'm praying it goes well.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Big bad jump

I think I've sprained my ankle. To make a long story short, I thought I was on the last step to the stage at church last night. I jumped down without looking and twisted my ankle. I can barely walk and its swollen and bruised. If its not better tomorrow I'll have it x-rayed.

I've had a terrible day today. First, obvisously, I was in a lot of pain. Its so annoying to not be able to do anything. Then Shaun got his report card. He still has Ns in math and reading. This is confusing because his grades on the work he's been bringing home have been improving. They also say he's not focusing as well as he had been. Don't know what will come of that. He's got a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what he says. After we got home this afternoon, Shaun had a major temper tantrum. He was totally out of control. Thank goodness Chris was here to help with him. Once it was over, he was good for the rest of the night.

All in all, a very discouraging day. I've been crying off and on since this morning. I feel like Satan is using Shaun to discourage me in my fast. I hate that! I hate feeling like this, and my heart is breaking over this issue with school. I feel like I have absolutely no control over anything right now, which stinks since I'm such a contol freak.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sleepless days

Jordan is no longer napping. Not because he doesn't need a nap, but because the steroid is making him a super-human freak child who never sleeps. I'm overreacting, I know. He actually sleeps pretty well at night, when he finally falls asleep. Its just that he needs his nap sooo badly. He's so tired right now. I tried for 2 hours to get him to sleep. Now its too late, we have to leave in less than an hour to pick up Shaun from school. So, it looks like my afternoon's going to be pretty miserable.

Chris and I are still fasting. We're following the food guidelines, but I have not had much time to ready my Bible or pray. Well, I can pray whenever I want, but I haven't been able to pray like I want. Jordan's been moody and hysterical since he started his medicine and my days have been pretty rough. Satan's tricky like that. Not going to let it stop me, though! We sang a beautiful song at church on Sunday: "I will search for You and I will find You, I will find You with all of my heart; I will lift my hands to You in worship, I will worship with all of my heart". I thought this song was very fitting to kick off a fast with. That's my biggest prayer-to find God and understand his will on my life.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

And the fasting begins

I've decided to begin fasting a few days early. Our church begins an annual corporate fast this Sunday, but I'm ready to get started. This is my first time fasting, and I'm excited to see what happens. I'm also nervous. Everyone who knows me knows I love food. I'll even say that I'm addicted to food. I eat way, WAY too much of it. If nothing else, I hope to break this bad habit over the next 23 days.

I went grocery shopping tonight for fruits, veggies, distilled water, and all-natural fruit juice (which is harder to find that you may think). I pray that God gives me the strenghth and will power to complete this fast. In the Bible, God's people are commanded to pray, give, and fast. I think I'm doing pretty well with the praying and giving. I read a verse in the Bible a few weeks ago that stated that some demons can only be conquered by fasting. I'm ready to rid my house and family of all the demons! I'm ready to be closer and more obediant to God. I'm ready to really hear what He has to say to me. I'm ready for a whole new outlook on life. I've heard the first 3 days are the roughest, so we'll see if my attitude changes tomorrow! I'm determined to stick it out.

I went over to my sister's house tonight and watched "Three". We've both read the book it was based on, by Ted Dekker. As usual with books-turned-movies, the book was way better. It was still good, though. It would suck to have three personalities.

The Mystery of the Broken Dryer

The dryer is working again. It actually started working again yesterday afternoon. Today I went to put a load of laundry in, and- nothing. I rigged a contraption to keep the button pressed down. Now it works again, even without my contraption. Peculiar. Very peculiar, indeed.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Long day

Today has been so long- and its still soooo long until bed time!

Jordan was "officially" diagnosed with asthma today. His oxygen level was 97 percent and the doc said she was surprised it was that high. His lungs sounded awful. He started Prednozone(?) today, along with a higher doze of the Flovent inhaler and will see the doctor again in 2 weeks.

When we got to the dentist, his dentist wasn't even there. We saw another one in the group. I liked her well enough. She seemed knowledgable. She wanted to get x-rays, but J freaked out so much she said we could wait until next time. It took 3 people to hold him down so she could examine him. I had to wait outside, crying and listening to him scream. He should ideally have 20 teeth right now, and he only has 13. We know for sure he's missing the 2 top teeth on either sides of the 2 middle teeth. I asked about getting crowns to make his teeth look normal. We really need to wait and see how many teeth are going to come in. I know it sounds bratty, but he's so cute, and I want his teeth to look normal. Oh well- there are worse things, I guess.

He's sleeping now. I think he looks like a angel when he innocent to all of the world's disappointments.

Shaun was excellent today until we got home. Then he had a minor melt-down.

Oh- and our dryer is apparently broken. What next?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The new year's here

So, 2008 is here. We rang in the new year in a very low-key way. My sister and her family came over, along with 2 more friends. We ate and watched movies. The kids played. Jordan's the only one who didn't make it to midnight. As usual, he climbed in bed and went right to sleep when he got cranky.

Today we had New Year's lunch at my mom's. Thank goodness she made something besides peas and collard greens (gag). We had to take a trip to Wal-mart to exchange Shaun's new basketball goal. The manufacturer sent the wrong poles in the box or something like that. Chris finally bought his ipod.

Shaun's emotions have been all over the place today. He reminds me of a pre-menstrual teenage girl. So glad we have an appointment with the psychiatrist this week. We've got to get his meds fixed. For now we're just trying to humor him.

Its going to be an early morning for us tomorrow. Jordan has an appointment with his allergist at 8:45. The freezing cold temps should make that interesting. Then he's got a dentist appointment later on in the morning. I'm really going to have to meet with his dentist. I'm not satisfied that he's qualified to treat Jordan. I don't think he's ever had a patient with Ectodermal Dysplasia. To top it off, I'll have Shaun with me, too. His moodswings should make things exciting to say the least. I'm tired just thinking about it. Ugh. Maybe it won't be too bad. I'm anxious to get to church tomorrow night. I'm needing some encouraging. Bring it on, Pastor Franklin!