Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Back

I've been gone awhile.  A lot has been happening.  I was going to just quit this blog, since I've been blogging on Myspace, but decided to keep it up.  This blog is mainly for me.  I don't care if anyone else reads it or not.  I want a place to rant and rave, and I would like for my kids to read it when they're older....much older!

So anyway.  Summer began today.  The air conditioner needs Freon, so it was HOT in the house.  The man's coming tomorrow, though, thank goodness.  The kids and I stayed outside in the water a lot today.  It was actually cooler outside than it was in the house.  

We had a Memorial Day cookout yesterday at my Mom's.  The first one since Mamaw passed away.  It was strange.  Strange and sad.  I walked back into the house before we left to say goodbye and found my mom crying.  I hate to see her hurt.  And she's hurting, bad.  There's nothing I can say to make her feel better.  I miss Mamaw so much.  I pick up the phone to call her at least 2 times a week.  I had a bad day last week and stopped by the cemetary to "talk" to her.  Silly, I know.  She's not there!  She's in Heaven.  And if she can see me down here, she's probably laughing, because she can see the "big picture".  Jordan is already starting to forget her.  I put a picture of the two of them up in his room and try to talk about her every day.  

That's enough for tonight.  Going to bed now.  Hopefully I can fall asleep despite the hotness.