Monday, November 5, 2007

Weekend Praise

We've had an eventful weekend. First of all, Shaun was saved yesterday at church! Thank you God, for answering this prayer- and for allowing me to be there when it happened. My family and I have been praying for this for almost 2 years, so we are elated. It such a blessing to know that my son and I will get to be with each other in heaven forever. Shaun-- I am so proud of you for making this decision!

Chris and I finally joined our church yesterday. It feels good to belong somewhere again. We are also finding a new small group, which I am really excited about. We had joined a small group a while back, but something happened and we lost contact. Our church is so big, and it will be nice to have fellowship with other believers in a more intimate setting.

Let's see, what else? Jordan learned to climb out of his crib on Friday. He's only done it the one time, so we're keeping the crib for now. I think that's it. All in all, a great weekend!

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