Thursday, January 10, 2008

Big bad jump

I think I've sprained my ankle. To make a long story short, I thought I was on the last step to the stage at church last night. I jumped down without looking and twisted my ankle. I can barely walk and its swollen and bruised. If its not better tomorrow I'll have it x-rayed.

I've had a terrible day today. First, obvisously, I was in a lot of pain. Its so annoying to not be able to do anything. Then Shaun got his report card. He still has Ns in math and reading. This is confusing because his grades on the work he's been bringing home have been improving. They also say he's not focusing as well as he had been. Don't know what will come of that. He's got a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what he says. After we got home this afternoon, Shaun had a major temper tantrum. He was totally out of control. Thank goodness Chris was here to help with him. Once it was over, he was good for the rest of the night.

All in all, a very discouraging day. I've been crying off and on since this morning. I feel like Satan is using Shaun to discourage me in my fast. I hate that! I hate feeling like this, and my heart is breaking over this issue with school. I feel like I have absolutely no control over anything right now, which stinks since I'm such a contol freak.

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