Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fasting and miracles

Shaun got a double-dose of heavy prayer tonight. We all went to church early with Chris, and before band practice the members of the Kidpak band all laid hands on Shaun while praying for his healing. They also praid for Chris and I, so that we would have knowledge on how to care for him and for our marriage. They prayed for Shaun's doctors. Pretty powerful stuff.

After the service Chris, the boys and I walked through the prayer line in the Miracle Service. We were all prayed for and annointed with oil. Also pretty powerful stuff. God's spirit was so full in that room that the air was thick. No joke. I've never felt His presence in quite that way before. I have every belief that Shaun can be healed.

The fast ends on Sunday. I think I'm feeling led to fast longer than the 21 days. I don't feel like I'm done, and honestly, I don't feel like I've taken this fast seriously enough. I've followed the guidelines well enough, but I don't feel like I've prayed and studied the Word the way I should have. So tomorrow I'm beginning a 3 day total fast. I'm going to try my best to make it to Sunday with no food- only juice and water. During those 3 days I'm going to pray and read non-stop. I feel in my heart that God is asking this of me. It will probably be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I actually considered calling the fast off tonight, since we had all been prayed for. What wishful thinking! :)

During the next 3 days I will be praying for the healing of Shaun's mind. I'll pray for my marriage and out finances. I'll pray for my Grandma's healing. But most of all I'll pray that God will show me contentment in my life, no matter what the circumstance. That, I believe, is the key to true happiness.

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